How many people died in the enola gay bombings

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She was so ashamed of her injuries, she remained a shut-in for years. The ABCC was operating with strict orders not to provide medical treatment, only document for further study. She was taken to a US facility, photographed, and sent home. That was when the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission showed up on her doorstep (via Politico) and promised to help.

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Do-oh Mineko survived Nagasaki, and by 1949, her injuries were still unhealed, and her hair still fell out as soon as it grew in. How Many Japanese Died In Hiroshima An estimated 70,000 to 135,000 people perished in Hiroshima due to acute exposure, but also due to adverse health effects and long-term problems with radiation. Some survivors waited a long time for help. It was the Enola Gay, nicknamed the ‘Enola Gay’, that carried the atomic bomb to Hiroshima.

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They even went as far as restricting any criticism of American activities in Japan, and completely denied there were any lasting effects from the radiation. That information - information that may have been useful if it was shared among the medical community - was then sent back to the States, where it was classified. She found that even as medical personnel struggled to treat patients and document illnesses, officials seized everything from medical case notes to biopsy slides, photographs, and film. Brodie says that while the US publicized information about the bombs' destructive power, they kept other things - like the effects of radiation - quiet.

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